Debate 2: Vice Presidential Candidates

The highlights of the closing statements

Biden said he’s looking for an even shot for all Americans. “The president and I are not going to rest until the playing field is leveled,” he said. Twenty-three million Americans are struggling for work today, Ryan said. He and Romney were asking the public for their support, he said. “This is not what real … Continue reading

Debate 2: Vice Presidential Candidates

Abortion and Catholicism

Both vice presidential candidates are Catholic. “My faith informs me,” Ryan said. He said he believes life starts with conception. A Romney administration would be pro-life with exceptions to rape and incest, and the health of the mother. The administration and its track record with dealing with abortion is infringing on his First Amendment rights, … Continue reading

Debate 2: Vice Presidential Candidates

Medicare and Social Security

Rep. Paul Ryan used the Romney campaign attack that Obamacare takes $716 billion from Medicare, citing his grandmother, mother and his dependence on Social Security, especially after his father died. He says the president’s plan has a death panel in place run by bureaucrats with no medical knowledge. “Medicare and social security are going bankrupt … Continue reading